Sabtu, 22 November 2014

Menjelaskan secara rinci tentang memo dan mencari definisi tentang email

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

To fulfill the tasks assigned by the lecturer, this time I will explain in detail about the memo and look up the definition of the email.

Memo is a brief letter that is used to convey a particular message. Memo is usually used in a hurry, time is limited, urgent, or convey a message to someone but that person does not exist in place. short memo contents but easy to understand and straight to the point. For its kind, scrap divided into two official memos and memos unofficial.

Parts of the official memo:


1.      Head Memo
1.A. Name of Institution
1.B. Memo
1.C. The date of the memo was made
1.D. Author
1.E. Recipients Memo

2.      Message Content

3.      Foot Memo
3.A. Signed (could be a signature, initials, thumbprint, and the like)
3.B. Sender

Parts Memo Unofficial:

Unofficial memo does not have many rules in writing and not as complicated as the official memo.

Example of  Memo Unofficial:

1.      Author
2.      Reciepients Memo
3.      Message Content
4.      The date of the memo was made



Email (Electronic Mail)

What is meant by email:

            email is the same facilities as regular mail. email does not require paper and envelopes. Email is a letter in the form of digital data. Therefore, his name is email (electronic mail).

function of the email:

Because basically, email is an ordinary letter-shaped digital data, email functionality of course the same as a letter, which is to send and receive berita.Untuk send and receive email, you must have an email address. This email address usually has the format Here's the explanation:

1.      Address: in this section you can choose your own email address. For example, you select the address "Tio", then your email address into:

2. This section depends on the email service you choose. For example, you choose from a Gmail email service, then your email address into:

Another function of the email:

In addition to sending and receiving information, the current  email is also widely used as a tool of the website registration. When you want to enroll to a website, you need to enter your email address. Later the website will send you an email.

In the email there is usually a confirmation link. You must click that link to confirm that your email is a valid email. Not a fake email.

 How to register email:

            email registration is something that is easy and free. Simply access the email service provider's website that you want, and click the button to register. Next you just need to fill out the registration form provided, then click "Next" or "Continue", and finishes. You already have an email address.

            There are many email service providers. But I suggest you choose the email service the largest and most widely used is Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo.

So enough of my discussion, may be useful and if there is a mistake in writing, please understandable.

Thank you, Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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