Kamis, 09 April 2015

Menyebutkan dan menjelaskan kata ganti dan juga kata tanya dalam bahasa inggris

Assignment 2


1.      Mention and explain kinds of pronoun, give examples for each kind.
2.      There are 3 types of question word, explain those 3 types along with their examoles.

Answer :

1.      Pronoun is a word that can replace a noun or noun phrase. Pronoun serves to avoid repetition of nouns or noun phrases are the same that have been mentioned earlier. In English, pronouns consists of seven types, namely:

a.        Reflexive Pronoun (kata ganti refleksif)
Reflexive pronouns are pronouns are used to indicate actions or activities undertaken by the subject himself (the subject of the verb) or in other words an emphasis on the elements of the subject or object. Singular pronoun suffix -Self received, and the plural suffix -selves.
Examples :

Myself = Saya sendiri
Yourself/yourselves = Kamu sendiri/kalian sendiri
Themselves = Mereka sendiri
Ourselves = Kami sendiri
Himself = Dia sendiri (laki-laki)
Herself = Dia sendiri (perempuan)
Itself= Dia sendiri (benda atau binatang)

Example sentence is :
·         Sunny made this book by herself.
·         He enjoyed himself by watching two movies.
·         The children are old enough to look after themselves.

b.      Possessive Pronoun (kata ganti milik)
Possessive pronouns are pronouns that show belongs to a person or group. There are two forms of the possessive pronoun is dependent (placed before a noun) and independent (placed after a verb).

Examples :
Dependent seperti my, your, his, her, its, our, their
Independent seperti mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs

Example sentence is :
·         This green bag is hers. (Tas hijau itu adalah miliknya).
·         This small car is mine. Those are theirs. (Mobil mini ini milikku. Milik mereka yang itu).
·         This is not your suitcase. I think that is yours. (Koper ini bukan kopermu. Saya rasa punyamu yang di sana).

c.        Personal Pronoun (kata ganti orang)
Personal pronouns are pronouns in the subject and the object that indicates the person or naming.
Examples :
I => Me
You => You
She => Her
He => Him
It => It
We => Us
They => Them

Example sentence is :
·         I gave this book to Anita yesterday. She feels great when read it. (Saya memberikan buku ini kepada Anita kemarin. Dia merasa sangat senang ketika membacanya).
·         My mother take a glass with her. She wants fill it with the juice. (Ibu saya mengambil sebuah gelas bersamanya. Dia ingin mengisinya dengan jus).

d.      Interrogative Pronoun
Interrogative pronouns are words that questioned people or objects. Among others: who, Whom (siapa), Whose (punya siapa), why (mengapa), which (yang mana), and what (apa). pronoun or pronouns that are used to ask people, objects, or an option. Pronoun that is often used is what, roomates who, Whom and Whose.

Example sentence is :
·         What is broken? (Apa yang pecah?)
·         Who has make you sad? (Siapa yang membuat kamu sedih?))
·         Which shop sold the kimchi? (Toko yang mana menjual Kimchi?)

e.       Demonstrative Pronoun
Demonstrative pronouns are pronouns pointer by proximity: close (this and Reviews These) and far (that and Reviews those).
Example sentence is :
·         This is my mother, these are my sisters. (Ini ibu saya, ini adik-adik saya).
·         That book is yours, those are mine. (Buku itu punyamu, itu punyaku).

f.       Indefinite Pronoun

Indefinite pronoun is a pronoun that refers to someone or something that is not necessarily considered, such as: somebody (seseorang), something, anything (sesuatu), everyone (setiap orang), dan everything (segala sesuatu).

g.      Relative Pronoun

Relative pronouns are words that compose a noun or noun phrase with penjelasnya clauses, such as who, whom, whose, which, and that which translated into Indonesian into yang.

Example sentence is :
·         I don’t like people who lose temper easily. (Saya tidak senang pada orang yang mudah naik pitam).
·         Meong that I always feed everyday is my cat. (Meong yang saya beri makan setiap hari adalah kucing saya).
·         This is Tukul whose brother you met last week. (Ini tukul yang kakaknya kamu temui minggu lalu).


2.      a. What (apa)

What used to inquire object or thing.

Example sentence is :
·         What is your mother’s name? (Siapa nama ibumu?)
·         What does Sarah think about your project? (Apa yang Sarah pikirkan tentang proyek Anda?)
·         What did Sarah eat yesterday? (Apa yang Sarah makan kemarin?)
·         What was Sarah doing when you called? (Apa yang Sarah lakukan ketika Anda menelpon?)
·         What have they been doing all day? (Apa yang telah mereka lakukan sepanjang hari?)
·         What will Sarah think about your project? (Apa yang akan Sarah pikirkan tentang proyek Anda?)
You can also put a noun that you want to ask after (what)
Examples :
·         What kind of cat do you have? (Kucing macam apa yang Anda punya?)
·         What car did Wawan buy last week? (Mobil apa yang dibeli Wawan minggu lalu?)
·         What movie did Sarah see last night? (Film apa yang Sarah tonton tadi malam?)
Additionally, you can also put a verb after (what)

Examples :
·         What makes your blog unique? (Apa yang membuat blogmu unik?)
·         What makes us happy? (Apa yang membuat kita bahagia?)
·         What annoys you the most at work? (Apa yang paling membuatmu jengkel di tempat kerja?)

b. Where (Di mana, Ke mana, Dari mana)
Where used to inquire place.

Example sentence is :
·         Where do you work? (Di mana Anda bekerja?)
·         Where do they live? (Di mana mereka tinggal?)
·         Where are my shoes? (Di mana sepatu saya?)
·         Where are you going? (Ke mana Anda akan pergi?)
·         Where do we go now? (Ke mana kita akan pergi sekarang?)
·         Where did you buy that T-shirt? (Di mana Anda membeli T-shirt itu?)
·         Where have you been? (Sudah dari mana Anda?)

            c. When (Kapan)
When used to ask the time.

·         Example sentence is :
·         When is your birthday? (Kapan ulang tahun Anda?)
·         When do the shop open? (Kapan toko itu buka?)
·         When did that happen? (Kapan itu terjadi?)
·         When did you live in New York? (Kapan Anda tinggal di New York?)
·         When will they arrive? (Kapan mereka akan tiba?)