Sabtu, 22 November 2014

Menjelaskan secara rinci tentang memo dan mencari definisi tentang email

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

To fulfill the tasks assigned by the lecturer, this time I will explain in detail about the memo and look up the definition of the email.

Memo is a brief letter that is used to convey a particular message. Memo is usually used in a hurry, time is limited, urgent, or convey a message to someone but that person does not exist in place. short memo contents but easy to understand and straight to the point. For its kind, scrap divided into two official memos and memos unofficial.

Parts of the official memo:


1.      Head Memo
1.A. Name of Institution
1.B. Memo
1.C. The date of the memo was made
1.D. Author
1.E. Recipients Memo

2.      Message Content

3.      Foot Memo
3.A. Signed (could be a signature, initials, thumbprint, and the like)
3.B. Sender

Parts Memo Unofficial:

Unofficial memo does not have many rules in writing and not as complicated as the official memo.

Example of  Memo Unofficial:

1.      Author
2.      Reciepients Memo
3.      Message Content
4.      The date of the memo was made



Email (Electronic Mail)

What is meant by email:

            email is the same facilities as regular mail. email does not require paper and envelopes. Email is a letter in the form of digital data. Therefore, his name is email (electronic mail).

function of the email:

Because basically, email is an ordinary letter-shaped digital data, email functionality of course the same as a letter, which is to send and receive berita.Untuk send and receive email, you must have an email address. This email address usually has the format Here's the explanation:

1.      Address: in this section you can choose your own email address. For example, you select the address "Tio", then your email address into:

2. This section depends on the email service you choose. For example, you choose from a Gmail email service, then your email address into:

Another function of the email:

In addition to sending and receiving information, the current  email is also widely used as a tool of the website registration. When you want to enroll to a website, you need to enter your email address. Later the website will send you an email.

In the email there is usually a confirmation link. You must click that link to confirm that your email is a valid email. Not a fake email.

 How to register email:

            email registration is something that is easy and free. Simply access the email service provider's website that you want, and click the button to register. Next you just need to fill out the registration form provided, then click "Next" or "Continue", and finishes. You already have an email address.

            There are many email service providers. But I suggest you choose the email service the largest and most widely used is Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo.

So enough of my discussion, may be useful and if there is a mistake in writing, please understandable.

Thank you, Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

reference image

Rabu, 29 Oktober 2014

Definisi, Fungsi dan Contoh dari surat Permohonan, Pesanan, Pengaduan, Lamaran dan Memo

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

To fulfill the tasks assigned by the lecturer, this time I will explain about the definition and function of :

1.      Inquiry Letter
2.      Order Letter
3.      Complaint Letter
4.      Application Letter
5.      Memo

and provide examples of the letters above.

1.      Definition of Inquiry Letter : Inquiry letter is letter that was made with the intention of asking / begging anything by sender letter in this regard can be personal or represent on behalf of a particular group.

The function of the inquiry letter is to request, whether it is a request for funds or use other places and activities.

Examples of Inquiry Letter :

2.      Definition of Order Letter : order letter is a letter ordering goods / services of certain of the buyer to the seller. Usually orders are made ​​upon receipt of the offer letter or price list.

The function of Order Letter :

a)      As a benchmark for the quality of goods
b)      As a guideline to send an item
c)      As a barometer of progress or failure of an enterprise
d)     As a guideline to determine the size of payment

Examples of Order Letter :

3.      Definition of Complaint Letter : Complaint Letter is a letter that was made by the buyer to the seller for the purpose of informing that the goods delivered are not in accordance with the order.

The function of Complaint Leter is to provide information that goes wrong in the delivery of products.

Examples of  Complaint Letter :

4.      Definition of Application Letter : Application Letter is a letter that was made by a person to apply for a job in a company, agency or other agencies. Broadly speaking, job application letter is divided into two kinds of job application letter based advertising and job application on their own initiative. application letter is a letter of an official nature, so that in writing there are certain aspects that need to be noticed.

The function of Application Letter : application letter covers five important things, namely for the means of notification, means the demand, for the thoughts, and ideas. Not only that, the letter is also in use for a tool written evidence, fastener tools, historical evidence, and used to work guidelines.

Examples of  Application Letter :

5.      Definition of memo : memo is a brief message that is informal, usually writing a message of no more than ten lines. writing could use a typewriter or handwritten.

The function of Memo : Memo used to remind or confirm about a thing / affair. The contents of the memo in the form of a notice, request, instruction, advice, messages, and specific task.

Examples of  Memo :

so enough of my discussion, may be useful and if there is a mistake in writing, please understandable.

Thank you, Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

reference image

Tulisan 5, Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Posts 5th, English Business

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

I am Nanda Setiawan, you can call me Nanda. I live in Jakarta. My house is at no. 21 Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan East Jakarta. It’s not a big house. It’s painted is white. I like it anyway. It has a small garden and some plants in front of the house. It looks green and nice. My house has two bedroom, a living room, a dining room, a kitchen and a bathroom.each of it has its own furniture and equipment. We can do many activities there.

My bedroom is in the front part of the house, next to the living room. My parent’s room is in the middle part of the house next to the dining room. The kitchen and the bathroom are at the back part of the house. My parents, my brothers sister, and I always directly go home after school and work. We sit together in the evening and talk about our school,a and many others. We love our house very much. Our house is really our home.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Tulisan 4, Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Posts 4th, English Business

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

What is love?

Love is something that can’t be explain. Love is variety of different feeling. It can be refer to an emotion of a strong attraction and personal attachment. Love doesn’t always mean for a man to a woman, but love can happen to anyone and anything. Love to God, love to parents, love to family, love to man or woman, or it could be love with a things. Love is a gift that given by God to human beings to love and cherish. Love can’t be forced, love come naturally without someone appearance, age, wealthor whatever it does.

Love isn’t always there will be challenges in your beautiful, that’s why we have to strife and sacrifice for the love that we have. When love someone but you know that they don’t love, and then it hurts you but then you realize that love doesn’t have to have. Love is sacrifice, the important is happy although not with you. People can do anything for love, they can do bad things such as suicide even if his love is rejected, or do anything bad to get their love. But love is something sacred, pure and beautiful. Love can motivate person to be someone better and most importantly is we must love each other as human beings help, protect and cherish.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Tulisan 3, Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Posts 3rd, English Business

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Why Should I feel Bad?

Once, there was this guy, who was in love with a girl. She wasn’t the most beautiful and gorgeous but for him, she was everything. He used to dream about her, about spending the rest of life with her.

His friends told him, “why do you dream so much about her, when you don’t even know if she loves you or not?  First tell her your feelings, and get to know if she likes you or not”.

He felt that was the right way.   The girl knew from the beginning, that this guy loves her.   One day when he proposed, she rejected him.  His friends thought he would take alcohol, drugs etc and ruin his life.  To their surprise, he was not depressed.

When they asked him how was it that he is not sad,  he replied, “‘why should I feel bad? I lost one who never loved me and she lost the one who really loved and cared for her.”

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Tulisan 2, Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Posts 2nd, English Business

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

I will continue the previous story pieces (Post 1, English Business)

By the time my status was as a worker, each at the end of the month I was always given a paycheck from my work place supervisor. But not at the end of this month, at the end of this month I feel the difference.

As always when I became a worker, at the end of each month I always routinely visited one ATM near the house to see the balance that I have and add to the balance shown on the pay stub.

But this time I did not do it is because my status now is a student who always ask for an allowance in each day.

enough of the story that I can give, God willing I will continue the story but with a different story.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Tulisan 1, Bahasa Inggris Bisnis

Posts 1st, English Business

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

My name is Nanda Setiawan, I was the eldest of four siblings. My status was a student of a private university in the city of Bekasi, and the moment I entered the three levels of the fifth semester.

Time is so fleeting. In the past, exactly two years ago my status is a worker or an employee of a foreign company engaged in the automotive field. For two years I worked at the company until in the end I had to get out.

I want to realize a dream that has been in the minds of both parents, he wanted me to be a graduate, with consideration and deep thought in the end I decided to go back to school for the sake of a dream he has in mind for many years.

For the next story, I will share the following article, namely:

Posts 2, English Business

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014

Penjelasan Mengenai Surat Bisnis

Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

To fulfill the tasks assigned by the lecturer, this time I will explain about :

·         1. The definition of business letter (Theory)
·        2. The types, the parts, the styles of business letter
·         3. Give one example of business letter

1.      The first I will explain about what is business letter :

In general, the definition and understanding of the business letter is a letter that is used by a person, organization or institution that institutions deliver business messages in writing to the other party by using a particular medium whether it be sending a letter via postal mail, faksmilie, telephone or via the internet.

Examples of business letters vary in number, may include work orders, business introductory letter, a letter ordering the product, moving office address letter, collection letters, letter contract, agreement or letter of complaint.

2.      Second, I will mention the types, parts and style of language used in a business letter,

  • There are three types that are often used in business letters, that is :

a.      a.  Format Block
Block format business letter is the most simple or simple business letter format of the three others because everything is laid out on the left side of the letter.

b.      b. Modified Block Format
In Modified block format business letter. Writing address location, date, closing, signature and name located on the right side of the letter.

c.       c. Semi-Block (Indented) Format Business Letter
On the semi block (indented) business letter, authoring format is almost the same as the Modified Block format, but on the content, leads into the paragraph made​​, but not with the Modified Format Block.

  •           This is the parts contained in a business letter :

a.       1 and 2> Heading (contains the address of the manufacturer and the date of the making of a letter.)
b.      3> Inside address (contains the address of the person or institution designated.)
c.       4> Greeting (contains the greeting before writing the letter.)
d.      5> Message (contains about the content and purpose of the making of the letter.)
e.       6> Closing (contains about closing greetings.)
f.       7 and 8> Signature (contains the signature and full name of the manufacturer letter.)
g.      9> (Enclosusres) Lampiran
h.      10> (Typist Initials) Nama penulis

·    The language used in writing a business letter is the official language (formal).

  3.  Third, I will give one example of a business letter form :

       so enough of my discussion, may be useful and if there is a mistake in writing, please understandable.

Thank you, Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014

Tulisan 7, Bahasa Indonesia 2

Tulisan 7, Bahasa Indonesia 2
Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.
            Penulisan Ilmiah atau P.I tak asing lagi istilah ini didengar oleh para mahasiswa Gunadarma. Penulisan Ilmiah ini dikhususkan untuk para mahasiswa yang mulai memasuki tingkat 3 semester 6. Penulisan ini bertujuan agar para mahasiswa memiliki skill dan kemampuan dalam bidangnya masing-masing.
            Banyak sudah karya-karya yang dihasilkan oleh para mahasiswa UG, baik itu penemuan baru ataupun memperbaharui alat yang sudah dibuat sebelumnya dengan perancangan dan sistem yang telah diubah.

            Saya sendiri kini tengah memasuki semester 6 dan diharuskan membuat Penulisan Ilmiah tersebut. Alat yang saya buat memang bukan penemuan baru atau lebih tepatnya alat yang saya buat hanya memperbaharui alat yang sudah dibuat pada tahun sebelumnya.

            Judul alat yang saya buat adalah Alat Simulasi Siaga Banjir dengan ATmega8535 dan LCD. Saya tertarik untuk memperbaharui alat ini karena alat ini menarik sekali untuk saya dan tepat sekali jika di coba pada musim banjir seperti ini. Alat ini dibuat untuk memudahkan penghuni rumah apabila datangnya hujan dimalam hari.

            Penghuni rumah bisa mengetahui datangnya banjir dengan alat ini apabila air sudah memasuki batas bahaya. Alat ini akan mengeluarkan output suara agar si pemilik rumah bagun ketika keadaan sudah memasuki kondisi bahaya. Lebih jelasnya tentang alat ini terdapat di bab 1, saya akan melampirkan bab 1 saya di tulisan ini.


1.1  Latar Belakang Masalah
Pola umum curah hujan di Indonesia antara lain dipengaruhi oleh letak geografis. Curah hujan yang semakin ekstrim akan menyebabkan dampak buruk bagi daerah yang rendah. Dalam hal tersebut adalah banjir,  banjir memang sudah bukan menjadi hal yang tidak biasa lagi bagi masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya bagi masyarakat yang tinggal di daratan rendah atau tempat resapan air. Banjir yang datang berkala 5 tahun sekali dan ditambahnya banjir kiriman dari berbagai wilayah yang memiliki daratan tinggi saat ini sudah tidak asing bagi masyarakat Indonesia lagi karena hampir tiap tahun masyarakat mengalami musibah banjir, akibat curah hujan yang meningkat dan karena ulah manusia yang sering membuang sampah sembarngan di kali atau di sungai, serta penebangan pohon secara liar.

Musibah banjir datang tanpa memandang siapa yang menjadi korbannya. Bukan hanya masyarakat yang tinggal di pinggir kali saja tetapi banjir juga dapat melanda perumahan. Pada saat ini banyak perumahan yang di bangun di atas tanah resapan air, yang sebenarnya tidak boleh mendirikan bangunan pada daerah resapan air. Disisi lain, banyak kontraktor yang hanya mementingkan kepentingan pribadi dan tidak mamikirkan kepentingan orang lain, sehingga tidak memikirkan keadaan sekitarnya. Berdirinya perumahan di daerah tersebut salah satu penyebab terjadinya banjir. Terkadang pihak developernya pun tidak mau bertanggung jawab. Pada kenyataannya masyarakat kurang peduli akan bahaya banjir, karena kesibukan mereka diluar rumah. Khusunya bagi pemilik rumah yang tinggal dikawasan daratan rendah atau daerah resapan air. Saat daerah bagian hulu mengalami peningkatan curah hujan, maka air akan mengalir kebagian hilir, yang dapat menyebabkan daerah hilir menjadi banjir. Karena kondisi cuaca yang tidak menentu dapat menyebabkan datangannya banjir tidak dapat diprediksi.
Dengan latar belakang demikian, maka penulis membuat suatu simulasi sensor banjir mikrokontroler ATmega 8535. Penggunaan alat ini diharapkan dapat mempermudah masyarakat dalam waspada terhadap banjir sejak dini, khusunya bagi masyarakat yang tinggal di daratan rendah dan yang sering mengalami musibah banjir. Jika ketinggian air sudah melebihi batas ketingian yang ditentukan, maka pendeteksi ketinggian air tersebut akan memberikan peringatan berupa suara buzzer dan tampilan tingkat kewaspadaan 1 dan 2 pada LCD serta nyala LED, sehingga masyarakat dapat dengan mudah mengetahui kondisi ketinggian air pada simulasi sensor banjir.

1.2  Batasan Masalah
Dikarenakan luasnya ruang lingkup dalam bidang elektronika, maka penulis membatasi masalah yang akan dibahas, pada hal-hal yang menyangkut pada pembuatan dari Alat Simulasi Siaga Banjir Dengan LCD dan ATmega 8535 saja yang bertujuan untuk mempermudah dalam pemahaman dan pengertian tentang masalah-masalah pada Alat Simulasi Siaga Banjir Dengan LCD dan ATmega 8535. Dan pada makalah ini penulis mencoba menjelaskan tentang masalah yang berakitan dengan rangkaian yang digunakan dan menjelaskan tentang mikrokontroller yang digunakan.

1.3  Tujuan Penulisan
Terdapat beberapa tujuan pembuatan Alat Simulasi Siaga Banjir Dengan LCD dan ATmega 8535:
1.      Mengetahui secara langsung pembuatan alat yang dapat membantu pekerjaan manusia.
2.      Menganalisa, menilai dan mengembangkan cara kerja Alat Simulasi Siaga Banjir Dengan LCD dan ATmega 8535 Memecahkan masalah tentang alat yang dikerjakan.
3.      Mencari alternatif pemecahan masalah tentang alat yang dikerjakan secara lebih luas dan mendalam.
4.      Melatih mahasiswa untuk membuat latihan tertulis.

1.4  Metode Penelitian
Terdapat beberapa metode yang dilakukan dalam menyusun penulisan ilmiah ini seperti metode interview, observasi maupun  penelusuran literature dari buku-buku. Metode interview merupakan metode yang diperoleh dengan cara melakukan proses Tanya Jawab dengan dosen pembimbing di universitas gunadarma. Data-data yang diperoleh biasanya bersifat deskriptif dan naratif.

Metode lain adalah metode studi pustaka yang merupakan Penulis juga memperoleh data – data dari perpustakaan baik didalam kampus maupun diluar kampus, penulis juga menggunakan pustaka elektronik

Selain itu, terdapat metode yang diperoleh dengan cara mencari informasi dari web maupun buku-buku yang berkaitan dengan mikrokontroller atmega 8535. Biasanya berupa gambaran umum mengenai alat yang akan penulis buat dan terdapat persamaan-persamaan umum tentang perhitungan yang berkaitan dengan pembuatan alat tersebut.

1.5 Sistematika Penulisan
      Dalam penyusunan Penulisan Ilmiah, penyusun membagi kedalam bab dan subbab. Pembagian bab-bab tersebut adalah sebagai berikut :

      Berisi  tentang  latar belakang masalah, batasan masalah, tujuan penulisan dan metode penulisan.

      Berisi tentang komponen – komponen apa saja yang terdapat dalam rangkaian Simulasi Siaga Banjir Dengan  LCD dan ATmega 8535 beserta teori yang dipakai. 

       Berisi tentang analisa rangkaian secara blok diagram dan analisa rangkaian secara detail.

       Berisi tentang bagaimana cara mengoperasikan atau mengaktifkan, Uji Coba dan Cara Kerja Alat Simulasi Siaga Sanjir Dengan LCD dan ATmega 8535, mulai dari langkah pertama hingga akhir. 

      Berisi tentang kesimpulan dan saran.



            Semoga alat yang saya buat ini bermanfaat bagi semua. Semangat buat saya sendiri dan teman-teman yang sedang melaksanakan penulisan ini. Ayo teman semua semangat. Caaayyoooo

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb