Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb
fulfill the tasks assigned by the lecturer, this time I will explain about the
definition and function of :
Inquiry Letter
Order Letter
Complaint Letter
Application Letter
provide examples of the letters above.
1. Definition
of Inquiry Letter : Inquiry letter is letter that was made with the intention
of asking / begging anything by sender letter in this regard can be personal or
represent on behalf of a particular group.
function of the inquiry letter is to request, whether it is a request for funds
or use other places and activities.
Examples of Inquiry Letter :
2. Definition
of Order Letter : order letter is a letter ordering goods / services of certain
of the buyer to the seller. Usually orders are made upon receipt of the offer
letter or price list.
function of Order Letter :
a) As
a benchmark for the quality of goods
b) As
a guideline to send an item
c) As
a barometer of progress or failure of an enterprise
d) As
a guideline to determine the size of payment
Examples of Order Letter :
3. Definition
of Complaint Letter : Complaint Letter is a letter that was made by the buyer
to the seller for the purpose of informing that the goods delivered are not in
accordance with the order.
function of Complaint Leter is to provide information that goes wrong in the
delivery of products.
Examples of Complaint Letter :
4. Definition
of Application Letter : Application Letter is a letter that was made by a
person to apply for a job in a company, agency or other agencies. Broadly
speaking, job application letter is divided into two kinds of job application
letter based advertising and job application on their own initiative.
application letter is a letter of an official nature, so that in writing there
are certain aspects that need to be noticed.
function of Application Letter : application letter covers five important
things, namely for the means of notification, means the demand, for the
thoughts, and ideas. Not only that, the letter is also in use for a tool
written evidence, fastener tools, historical evidence, and used to work
Examples of Application Letter :
5. Definition
of memo : memo is a brief message that is informal, usually writing a message
of no more than ten lines. writing could use a typewriter or handwritten.
function of Memo : Memo used to remind or confirm about a thing / affair. The
contents of the memo in the form of a notice, request, instruction, advice,
messages, and specific task.
Examples of Memo :
so enough of my discussion,
may be useful and if there is a mistake in writing, please understandable.
Thank you,
Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb